Thank You to Our Donors!
Our mission would not be possible without your support and dedication!
David and Judith Albertson
Bill Allred
Michael Andrew
Lucy Boudet
Midge Bowman
Lynn Ellen Darcey
Betsy Dokken
Gary Eberhar
Nancy and Bill Gaver
Doug Glicken
Nancy Hall and Street Family
Carla and Gene Hays
Jacqueline Johnson
Kathy Koshan
Michael Kramer
Brent Kubasta
Sherry Levy
Brenda and Charlie Lounsberry
Michelle Mailhot
Terry Myers
Neil and Francine Newberg
Greg Parnell
Karen Plater
Jenn Pozzuoli
Ron Roberts
Chaz Robinson and Family
Jeff and Jenifer Rupert
Charlie Russo
Randolph and Susan Sailer
Bill and Julie Sanford
Dell Shadgett
Scott Siegel
Luke Somerlot
Amy and Andy Terechenok
Mary Uithoven
John and Catherine Vecchio
Will Weatherbee
Mary and David Wright